at a assemby

A Story of My Life

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I was born and raised in Dhaka, Bangladesh. At 18 years, I stepped outside my country for the first time, crossed the atlantic and moved to the United States. My destination was the beautiful tech city of San Francisco. At a young age, I was intrigued by technology and idea of becoming an entrepreneur bloomed in my head. I am studying Business Management at Minerva Schools, however, my interests in mastering technological skills led me to learn programming at Dev/Mission where I am learning IT Essentials, Programming, IoT, and Critical Career Skills.

Professional Experiences

  • Tradewave Technology

    1. Established a technology company focused on creating ICT products for the government, private entities and conducting trainings on cyber security, internet, prevention against cyber crimes and bullying

    2. On process to secure $75,000 funding from the Ministry of ICT to create ‘Digital Parental Control Solutions’ applications enabling parents to safeguard under age children from the misuse of internet


    1. Conducted market research in 5G technology to identify gaps and design solutions to create social values in South Korea

    2. Proposed a new business solution to the executives of SK Telecom that can save patients' lives in traumatic injury by minimizing the response time of medical teams by using drones to carry medical kits and alerting volunteers within 300 meters of the accident